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December 6, 2021 | Javascript

“Do” is another reserved keyword in JavaScript that cannot be used as a variable, label, or function name. However, this reserved keyword cannot stand alone and is closely connected to another reserved keyword – “while”. Together “do” and “while” keywords create a loop and in that loop, the do keyword executes (does) some part of the code. Let’s go through a few examples and see what is the purpose of the “do” keyword in the do-while loop.

November 30, 2021 | Javascript

Delete. The sole purpose of this keyword is quite self-explanatory – we want to delete “something”. But what can we delete? And do we really delete “that” or can we read it again? This article will take you into the world of the delete operator in JavaScript – you will learn what you can and cannot delete and what exactly the delete operator in specific situations really means?

November 25, 2021 | Javascript

You will make errors. Your scripts will have errors, no matter what. These errors can be in relation to syntax or logic. And often it will be a case, that you won’t see any error messages and you’ll have no clue where exaclty you should look for errors. This is where code debugging comes into place. Luckily, all browsers have JavaScript debugger built-in and it can be turned on or off, which dictates whether script errors are reported to the user. You can also set breakpoints and check variables during the code execution. In short, Debuggers go through the entire code and they identify these errors and also fix them.

November 17, 2021 | Javascript

This is simple question and may sound like the answer is also simple. However, there are few things you need to take into account when creating variables and assigning values just to be sure you’re not overwriting existing variables. It’s even more important in complex projects with multiple modules because it’s sometimes hard to keep track of each variable and their scope.

November 10, 2021 | Javascript

This article will teach you, with the help of a few examples, what you need to know about the continue statement. But, first, let’s define the continue statement, and see what the syntax looks like.

November 7, 2021 | Javascript

For starters one might ask why would anyone want to switch CORS off?
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a part of HTTP header that indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources.
It’s security measure against plenty of web attack vectors. In simple terms CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) mean you can’t get web resource from different domain, only from the same domain from which your original resource is loaded. Practically, if your web page is on domain then some JavaScript inside your page will only be allowed to get resources from But what if you still want CORS switched off?

November 3, 2021 | Javascript

This article will take you into the world of JavaScript errors. Errors happen no matter what, no matter how extraordinary a coder you are, no matter how closely you pay attention, no matter how good you are at predicting a user’s behavior. In JavaScript, your scripts will have errors. And there are a hundred possible reasons for that. However, there is a solution to discovering these errors, and that solution comes in a form of a catch clause through a try statement.

October 29, 2021 | Javascript

This article will teach you all you need to know about the case clause in JavaScript. To begin with, the case clause is very closely connected to the switch statement and cannot stand alone. This is the main reason during this article we are going to discuss the cause clause in conjunction with the switch keyword. In general, the if-else statements are the simplified version of the conditional operations, however, when dealing with more complex conditional operations, the switch case statement comes into play, and the break keyword is also often a part of the story.

October 25, 2021 | Javascript

The break is one of the reserved keywords in JavaScript and we often associate it with when wanting to break the loop. This article is going to present some theoretical basics that are necessary to understand the break statement and some of the most common examples of break statement applications. For a beginning, let’s take a look at the official definition, and afterward we will take each part of it, explain how it works, and see for ourselves through examples.

October 21, 2021 | Javascript

arguments is a reserved keyword in JavaScript. Arguments is an array-like object that you can access inside all non-arrow functions. That object contains the values of the arguments that are passed to that function. arguments object is a local variable available within all non-arrow functions.

Let’s take a look at that definition step by step.